Bobby Larew


Hi! My name is Bobby Larew. I grew up and currently live just outside Philadelphia, PA. I do not like onions, but I like onion rings. I do not like ranch dressing on a salad, but like it on buffalo chicken pizza. Besides that I have been a pastor since 2001 serving churches in various roles over the years as Youth Pastor, interim Children’s Director, Worship Director, and Ministry Pastor. From 2004-2008 I took a detour to pursue a career in the Christian music industry. My career never went far, but I met some really great people and music artists. Currently, I serve as the Ministry Pastor at Davisville Church. I love being active, swimming in the ocean, reading, and reading Bible commentaries. In everything I do my heart longs to point people to Jesus as they navigate the joys, sorrows, and questions of life. 

My wife, Emily, is from Michigan and we met in 2003 while playing a card game called Euchre at a party. She has spent her entire life being involved with dance and currently teaches the next generation of dancers. Three years after we met I proposed to her by performing an original song on stage at a popular country line dancing place in Nashville, TN. We have four children: Jackson, Lily, Evelyn, and Cayden. The boys love sports and the girls love dance and for some reason Papa John’s pizza is the only pizza everyone can agree on eating. 

My hope is that God uses me to help you and First Church Ministries make a lasting impact on your neighbors with the Good News of Jesus Christ. 

This is me and I look forward to serving you all.

Bobby Larew



Professional Experience 

Ministry Pastor | Davisville Church, Southampton, PA | July 2017-Present

As the Ministry Pastor I develop and oversee the ministries and ministry leaders of Davisville Church while serving as a member of our Senior Leadership Team.

  • Develop and implement vision as part of the Senior Leadership Team for a church of 600

  • Shepherd, lead, equip, and serve others as a member of the Elder Team

  • Coach, support, and encourage 13 ministry leaders and their teams

  • Preach engaging, biblically sound sermons regularly with relevant application for diverse audiences as part of the teaching team (5-7x on Sunday morning, 3-5x in other settings)

  • Lead a team in the creation and implementation of The Learning Community. The Learning Community provides several educational courses for people to explore faith and mature in their faith. Course Examples: From Genesis to Revelation, The Heart of a Leader, and Belief/Doubt

  • Collaborate and coordinate with others on the office staff team for initiatives like Get Connected, Christmas Eve services, Difference Maker, Easter, Operation Christmas Child, Reach Out 2020.

  • Coached young adult leaders in starting and growing a new ministry to 50 regular participants which continues to grow.

  • Multiply leadership by co-coordinating the internship program

  • Perform weddings, funerals, and the ordinances of baptism and communion.

  • Share in the work of pastoral care and visitation

  • Launched a process to recruit, deploy, and maximize effectiveness for 225+ volunteers

  • Oversee budgeting for all ministries 

Youth Pastor | Davisville Church, Southampton, PA | December 2011-June 2018

As the Youth Pastor I engaged students with the life transforming message of the Gospel by building relationships, developing volunteer staff, teaching, and championing parents/guardians.

  • Excelled in speaking to a group of 100 students weekly

  • Mentored an intern/assistant over several years who now serves as our Youth Director

  • Shepherded and equipped a volunteer staff of 20 people to make disciples

  • Championed parents in their role as the primary shepherds of their child’s faith

  • Created a Walk to the Cross experience for families involving 13 reflection stations

  • Led mission teams to Arizona, Guatemala, and Cambodia

  • Shepherded and equipped a parent to lead a team of ten on a mission trip to Guatemala

  • Served as president of area youth network to create a greater vision beyond our local church

  • Summer youth speaker at Sandy Cove Ministries (2009 – Present)

Worship & Youth Director |A Church of Living Hope, Langhorne, PA | March 2008-December 2011

As the Worship Director I led a team that invited others to worship and experience the living God. As the Youth Director I engaged students with the life transforming message of the Gospel by building relationships, developing volunteer staff, teaching, and championing parents/guardians.

  • Led people in worship through the use of a variety of spiritual disciplines and styles that fit with the sermons.

  • Coordinated the worship team and rehearsals

  • Co-wrote and performed in an Easter and Christmas drama with my wife

  • Preached in Sunday services as needed

  • Grew youth group from 15 to 50 students in three years

  • Trained volunteer staff to lead youth ministry before my departure


Music Artist |Nashville, TN | January 2004-March 2008

Followed the Lord’s leading by pursuing a career in music with the hope of influencing others to fully follow Jesus through my music and life.

●      Speaker and worship leader for several youth camps

●      Shadowed worship pastor at The People’s Church in Franklin, TN (now Church of the City)

●      Contributed to creative elements for Sunday experiences

●      Church attendance was around 3,000 people at the time

●      Wrote and recorded a four-song demo cd

Youth Pastor | Dewitt, MI | June 2001-August 2023

As the Youth Pastor I engaged students with the life transforming message of the Gospel by building relationships, developing volunteer staff, teaching, and championing parents/guardians.

  • Developed and taught sermon series

  • Recruited, equipped, and oversaw volunteer youth staff

  • Planned and led large group events (100+ kids)

  • Worked with local schools in coming alongside of at-risk students


Master of Arts—Religion

Cairn University July 2020

Bachelor of Arts—Christian Ministries

Messiah College May 2001

Ordained Minister

Davisville Church April 2014

Community Involvement

  • Diving Coach - William Tennent High School and Centennial Aquatic Club

  • Reach Sports Basketball Coach

  • Township Youth Sports Coach

    • Football (Flag and Tackle)

    • Soccer

    • Baseball