04-24: Eyewitness Testimony

Audio Version

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Thank you for joining us in worship today! This week we dive into the eyewitness testimonies of the Gospels and the book of Acts. Pastor Bob teaches on the accuracy and reliability of the Scriptures and what it means for us today.


: The Bible Project :: https://www.bibleproject.com

: YouVersion Bible App :: https://www.bible.com


  1. “What do you suppose happened to the stories about Jesus over the years, as they were told and retold, not as disinterested news stories reported by eyewitnesses but as propaganda meant to convert people to faith, told by people who had themselves heard the fifth- or sixth- or nineteenth-hand? Did you or your kids ever play the telephone game at a birthday party?” (Bart Erhman)

  2. Testing the Knowledge with Historical Accuracy

    1. Agriculture

    2. Botany

    3. Economics

    4. Language

    5. Personal Names

    6. Religion

    7. Topography

    8. Architecture

    9. Culture-Burial Practices

    10. Geography

    11. Law

    12. Politics

    13. Social Stratification

    14. Weather

  3. Names: The Test of What People Are Called

    1. Conclusion concerning names: The Gospels have the pattern of names we would expect them to have if they are reporting what real people said and did. The pattern would be too complex for an ancient forger to produce, much less 4 forgers!

  4. The Test of Geography

  5. The Test of Botany

    1. Luke 19:1-4

  6. The Test of Economics

    1. Mark 9:42

    2. Case Study: Feeding of the 5000 (Mark 6; John 6; Luke 9; John 1)

    3. John 6:67-69

    4. Colossians 3:16


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