01-17: John Series :: The Lord Of The Festival
This week we begin chapter 2 of the Gospel of John as we continue our John series. Pastor Bob takes a look at the first miracle Jesus performs at Cana turning water into wine.
01-13: Genesis Study :: Genesis 18-19
Bill Cumbie discusses the destruction of Sodom and Gomorrah and the righteous life of Lot according to Peter.
01-10: John Series :: The Call To Discipleship
This week Pastor Bob discusses what it means to be a disciple of Jesus Christ by looking at the call to discipleship of the first disciples in John 1.
01-03: From Fan To Disciple
Pastor Bob opens 2021 with talking a look at what it means to be a disciple of Christ and how to move from being a fan to a committed follower.
12-27: Let The King Change You :: O Come Let Us Adore Him (Copy)
In this second Advent sermon, Pastor Bob discusses what it means to let the King change us and how we can go about doing that.
12-20: Jesus And The Woman Caught In Adultery
Listen in as Joe Marks teaches from John 8 and Jesus' encounter with the woman who was caught in adultery.
12-17: Genesis Study :: Genesis 15-17
In our sixteenth lesson, Bill Cumbie dives further into the life of Abram where we see God make a covenant with him and his name becomes Abraham - the father of many nations.
12-13: Worship The King :: O Come Let Us Adore Him
In this week's service Pastor Bob begins to look at the Christmas story from Luke 2. He begins by looking at what it looks like to worship the King born to man.
12-06: John Series :: The Logos
Pastor Bob rewinds a little in chapter 1 of the Gospel of John and takes a look at the Logos - Christ as the Word of God.
12-02: Genesis Study :: Genesis 12-14
In our 15th lesson, Bill Cumbie covers the beginning of Abrams story and the importance of a curious character named Melchizedek.
11-29: John Series :: The Lamb of God
This week Pastor Bob dives further into chapter 1 of the Gospel of John and teaches on Jesus being the Lamb of God which is a world changing declaration with credible eyewitness statements that has major implications for our lives.
11-22: John Series :: Who Are You?
In this week's message Pastor Bob looks at who was John the Baptist - the author of the Gospel of John. John was questioned by the Jewish leaders and gave an odd answer to a very odd question.