05-30: The Only Path to Peace
Thank you for joining us in worship today! Today we take a look at the only path to peace as outlined by the Apostle Paul in Philippians 2.
05-23: John Series :: The Amazing Messiah (Part 2)
Thank you for joining us in worship today! This week we are in part two of a two part message about the amazing Messiah. We discuss what it means to be amazed and what it looks like to be amazed by God through the authority of Jesus Christ.
05-16: John Series :: The Amazing Messiah (Part 1)
Thank you for joining us in worship today! This week we are jumping back into our Gospel of John series where Pastor Bob begins a two part message about the amazing Messiah. We discuss what it means to be amazed and what it looks like to be amazed by God through the authority of Jesus Christ.
05-09: Christ In Us
Thank you for joining us in worship today! This week we take a look at Colossians 1 and Paul's discussion on the supremacy and sufficiency of Christ and what that means for our faith.
05-02: Finding Rest
Thank you for joining us in worship today! Pastor Bob takes a rabbit trail today and discusses how to find rest by revisiting the book of First John.
04-25: John Series :: The Healer
Thank you for joining us in worship today! We continue on our journey through the Gospel of John this week. Pastor Bob begins chapter 5 and discusses the three encounters we see repeatedly in the Gospel - the Healer, the Legalist, and the Savior.
04-18: John Series :: The Nobleman
Thank you for joining us in worship today! We continue on our journey through the Gospel of John this week. Pastor Bob discusses the biblical meaning of faith and what that looks like for everyone.
04-11: John Series :: The Harvest
Thank you for joining us for worship! We're glad you're here! In this week's message Pastor Bob picks back up in the Gospel of John where he looks at the harvest with the disciples in chapter 4.
04-04: Easter Sunday
Thank you for joining us for worship today for Easter! Pastor Bob discusses the power of the resurrection of Jesus Christ in our lives.
04-01: Genesis Study :: Genesis 29-30
Thanks for joining us for this lesson in Genesis. Bill Cumbie teaches through chapters 29 and 30 where he discusses the life of Jacob and his interactions with Laban.
03-28: Palm Sunday :: When My Plan and God's Plan Collide
Thank you for joining us for worship! With today being Palm Sunday, Pastor Bob takes a look at Holy Week and what happens when God's plan and our plan collide.
03-21: John Series :: True Worship
Thank you for joining us for worship! Pastor Bob continues his discussion on John 4 as Jesus and the Samaritan woman talk about what true worship means and looks like.